Nothocestrum longifolium

A.Gray (1862)

This name is accepted

Kingdom: Viridiplantae Phylum: Magnoliophyta Class/Clade: Eudicot-Asterids Order: Solanales Family: Solanaceae Genus: Nothocestrum

‘aiea [aiea], hālena [halena]


Key Characters:

Growth Form: Shrubs or small trees up to 6 m tall.

Stems: Branches slender, ascending, glabrous.


Leaves: Leaves simple. Alternate, usually relatively widely spaced, but also with some clustered at the tips of the branches. Blades lanceolate to elliptic–oblong, 10–32 cm long, 3.5–8.5 cm wide. Apex obtuse, acute to acuminate. Base cuneate. Upper surfaces glabrous or soon glabrate; lower surfaces glabrous or sparsely to moderately whitish to reddish pubescent; blades relatively thin, chartaceous. Margins entire. Petioles 1–7 cm long. Stipules absent.

Flowers: Flowers 1–3(–6) in axillary clusters, pedicels 10–30 mm long. Flowers bisexual (perfect), actinomorphic, pedicellate. Calyx tubular, 8–12 mm long, unevenly 4-lobed. Corolla greenish yellow, the tube pale yellow, not longer than calyx, silky pubescent in bud, 4-lobed. Stamens 4, partly exserted; filaments extremely short to absent; anthers linear, acute, opening by longitudinal slits. Ovary superior, 2-celled, ovoid; ovules numerous; style erect; stigma 2-lobed, clavate, included.

Fruit: Berries orange; fleshy; elongate or fusiform; completely or partly enclosed by calyx. Seeds irregular; seed coat pitted; embryo curved; endosperm present.

Ploidy: 2n = ca. 48*

Habitat: Primarily wet forest; occasionally in mesic forest and diverse mesic forest.

Elevation Range: 36–1,620 m.

Historical Distribution

Uses and Culture


Natural History

Statewide Status


Island Status

Kaua'i Endemic
O'ahu Endemic
Molokai Endemic
Lana'i Endemic
Maui Endemic
Hawai'i Endemic

Dispersal Agents



Name Published In: Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 6: 48 (1862)

Other References

Wagner et al. 1990:1264 (K, O, Mo, L, M, H)


SNo. Scientific Name Scientific Name Authorship Locality Habitat Basis of Record Recorded By Record Number Island Source Date
1 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Poamoho Trail, Paalaa- Wahiawa PRESERVED_SPECIMEN St. John, H. 17659 Oahu BISH 11/22/1936
2 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray spur ridge to Puu Kuua at elev. 2150', growing near Waianae_128 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Takeuchi, W.N. s.n. Oahu BISH 7/15/1984
3 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Hanalei District. Waiahuakua, upper drainage, Hono o Na Pala NAR. Metrosideros-Cheirodendron montane wet fores and riparian habitat with Ilex anomala, Kadua affinis, Psychotria mariniana, Psychotria hexandra, Coprosma kauaiensis, Elaeocarpus bifidus, Syzygium sandwicensis, Perrottetia sandwicensis, Dubautia raillardioides, Dubautia laxa, Dubautia knuds. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Wood, K.R. 17130 Kauai BISH 9/28/2016
4 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Waiakea; Upper Waiakea Forest Reserve, Site 15 OS Ohia-treefern dieback. Primary vegetation: Metrosideros polymorpha, Coprosma spp., Ilex anomala, Gouldia sp., Cheirodendron trigynum, Psychotria hawaiiensis, Psidium cattleianum & Pritchardia sp. Soil a deep moderately well drained ash over pahoehoe. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Adee, K.T. s.n. Hawaii BISH 6/18/1979
5 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray East Maui, Hana District, Keanae AHU, N slope of Haleakala, Koolau Forest Reserve, along ridge above W Wailuanui Street PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Warshauer, F.R. FRW 2606 Maui BISH 6/20/1980
6 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray ridge left side kipahulu valley PRESERVED_SPECIMEN forbes, c.n. collector number: 1640.m Maui BISH 11/15/1919
7 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray waiahole valley PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: s.n. DAV 12/1/1919
8 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray opaiwela stream, kaholuamano PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: 5773 Kauai BISH 9/7/1909
9 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray n. honouliuli Diverse mesic forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN takeuchi, w.n. collector number: 3891 Oahu BISH 7/17/1988
10 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray e bank of honomanu gulch PRESERVED_SPECIMEN forbes, c.n. collector number: 2572 Maui BISH 6/21/1920
11 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray located in upper kipuka ki at 4630' elevation within the hawaii volcanoes national park Habitat is an open Acacia-Metrosideros forest with a substory of Coprosma and a dense herbaceous cover of pasture grasses and ferns. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN clarke, g. collector number: 542 Hawaii BISH 10/29/1980
12 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Pahole Gulch, Waianae Mts. Side of small subgully, west section of Pahole PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Nagata, K.M. 1168 Oahu BISH 7/4/1973
13 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray near kaala, elev. 660, 45degrees slopes with intact native canopy; open beneath PRESERVED_SPECIMEN takeuchi, w.n. collector number: 2836 Oahu BISH 9/1/1986
14 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray E bank of Honomanu Gulch PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C.N. 2572 Maui BISH 6/21/1920
15 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray south kona district: pahoehoe 2 ahu. tr 66(34/35); w slopes mauna loa 0.7 km north kaohe 1-3 & 1.7 kim south honokua 1950 flows Persisting after cultivation. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN jacobi, j.d. collector number: jdj 1123 Maui BISH 7/25/1978
16 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray metrosideros-acacia forest kipapa-waiawa ridge, waipio PRESERVED_SPECIMEN grant, m.l. collector number: 7249 Oahu BISH 8/7/1934
17 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray lanai PRESERVED_SPECIMEN munro, g.c. collector number: 298 Kauai BISH
18 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Kaluaa gulch, steep slopes between head of SE branch and Kanehoa ridge, elev. 2150' small shrub growing under Pisonia sandwicensis and Cryptocarya oahuensis PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Takeuchi, W.N. 1848 Oahu BISH 11/18/1984
19 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray near Kaala, elev. 660, 45degrees slopes with intact native canopy; open beneath PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Takeuchi, W.N. 2836 Oahu BISH 9/1/1986
20 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray waianae mts., pukaloa gulch, above shoffield, off ridge trial to puu kalena, near kumakalii In Metrosideros lowland wet forest with Alyxia, Canthium, Nestegis, Chamaesyce, Psidium, Antidesma, Pleomele, Claoxylon, Urera, Nothocestrum longiflorum, Zanthoxylum, Embelia, Pisonia, Bobea, Psychotria, Scaevola, Melicope, Astelia, Labordia, Perrottetia with flower. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN perlman, s.p. hill, b. collector number: 5643 Oahu BISH 4/14/1987
21 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray West Maui; Lahaina District, Kauaula Valley. Northing: 2310561; Easting: 749968. Rare. Vegetation: Metrosideros, Coprosma, Dodonanea, Kadua, Freycinetia, Myrsine, Dubautia, Clermontia, Cyanea, Bidens, Sadleria, Xylosma, Diplazium, Tochardia, Pipturus, Boehmeria, Perrottetia, Cyrtandra. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Oppenheimer, H.L. H120811 Maui BISH 12/3/2008
22 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray kalaupapa; waikolu, s, stream head of valley Sand dunes. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN hughes, g.d. collector number: 1103 Oahu BISH 11/23/2004
23 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray waianae mts., kunia, 3 mi.back of pineapple fields, to ridge overlooking lualualei, side of gulch PRESERVED_SPECIMEN pearsall, g.a. collector number: s.n. Oahu BISH 7/27/1959
24 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Haleakala, Skyline Drive near Puu Kao Dry, decadent forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Degener, O. 26880 Maui BISH 1/17/1960
25 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Waihanau headwaters Metrosideros, Cheirodendron trigynum, Wikstroemia oahuensis, Psychotria mariniana, Freycinetia arborea, Clermontia kakeana, Vaccinium dentatum, Scaevola gaudichaudii, ferns PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Wood, K.R. 10605 Molokai BISH 3/11/2004
26 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray located in upper kipuka ki, hawaii volcanoes national park Habitat is an open Acacia-Metrosideros forest with a substory of Coprosma and a dense herbaceous cover of pasture grasses and ferns. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN clarke, g. collector number: 542 Hawaii BISH 10/29/1980
27 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Koolau Mts PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J.F.C. 137 Oahu BISH 12/3/1908
28 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray kokee. bottom of n facing slope of upper honopu valley, 10 ft back from stream PRESERVED_SPECIMEN tangalin, n. et al. collector number: 1833 Hawaii BISH 11/11/2008
29 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray N.Honouliuli 2' streambed PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Takeuchi, W.N. 3892 Oahu BISH 7/17/1988
30 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray punaluu mts Presumably a weedy or cultivated species. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: 641 Oahu BISH 11/14/1908
31 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Makakupaia AHU. In gulch below waterpipe on ridge. N of S fork of Kaunakakai Gulch. ca 3420ft PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Stemmermann, R.L. RLS 3952 Molokai BISH 6/26/1979
32 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray ravine N. Kaua, elev. 585m in deep shade a single 8' shrub among Pipturus, overstory of Kukui PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Takeuchi, W.N. 2840 Oahu BISH 9/14/1986
33 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray near Kumakalii, elev. approx. 600m, tree of declining vigor beside Phyllostegia 2833 a floristically exciting site; with Alectryon, Pleomele, Zanthoxylum, Neraudia, Morinda, Streblus, et al. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Takeuchi, W.N. 2834 Oahu BISH 9/13/1986
34 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Laupahoehoe section of Hilo forest Reserve, slope 45 deg., SE exposure Rare tree in open `ohi`a/koa forest with open understory of Cibotium, Cheirodendron, Ilex, Clermontia parviflora, and Vaccinium calycinum. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Davis, J. 705 Hawaii BISH 3/4/1982
35 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray East Maui, N slope of Haleakala, Koolau Forest Reserve, in gulch near stream. Hana district PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Higashino, P.K. PKH 9081 Maui BISH 6/1/1980
36 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray kaluaa gulch, steep slopes between head of se branch and kanehoa ridge, elev. 2150' small shrub growing under Pisonia sandwicensis and Cryptocarya oahuensis PRESERVED_SPECIMEN takeuchi, w.n. et al. collector number: 1848 Oahu BISH 11/18/1984
37 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Located in upper Kipuka Ki, Hawaii volcanoes National park Habitat is an open Acacia-Metrosideros forest with a substory of Coprosma and a dense herbaceous cover of pasture grasses and ferns. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Clarke, G. Collector Number: 542 Hawaii BISH 10/29/1980
38 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray gully near the Lualualei divide at Puu Hapapa, elev. 2325' a small shrub overgrown by Passiflora and Freycinetia, sited on a small planeze with a localized Alectryon concentration uncommon in this area. field no. Waianae_408 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Takeuchi, W.N. 2513 Oahu BISH 10/13/1985
39 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Puna Distr. 'Olaa AHU. Tr 30(51); E slope of Mauna Loa; SW corner of Kulani Project Wet 'ohi' a forest with other native trees and a treefern and native shrub understory. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Warshauer, F.R. FRW 1261 Hawaii BISH 7/27/1977
40 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray moderate forest. head of kukuiala gulch mokuleia forest reserve waianae mts PRESERVED_SPECIMEN morley, h. collector number: 99 Oahu BISH 4/2/1934
41 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Mauna Loa near Kilauea PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Bryan, L.W. s.n. Hawaii BISH 6/1/1936
42 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray ekahanui gulch, slightly on ridge top ascending to top of puu kaua, 2/3 distance to summit from firebreak trail PRESERVED_SPECIMEN obata, j.k. gill collector number: jo(84)-466 Oahu BISH 2/26/1984
43 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray north honaunau forest reserve; transect 3.3 miles aobve gate; formerly grazed (?) open koa parkland; wet; second layer; Ilex, Metrosideros saplings, Gouldia, Coprosma; third layer: Clermontia (2 spp.), Rubus hawaiensis; ground cover of ferns and Senecio mikanioides; PRESERVED_SPECIMEN herbst, d.r. collector number: 1825 Hawaii BISH 7/17/1970
44 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Headwaters of South Fork, Kaunakakai Gulch, north of jeep trail to Pepeopae, ca. 1000 ft upstream of tunnel. Growing on streambank. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Davis, J. JD #875 Molokai BISH 5/29/1982
45 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray near head of papali gulch, hauula, koolau mts Wetwoods on side of gulch. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN fosberg, f.r. collector number: 29710 Oahu BISH 3/21/1948
46 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Kaluaa gulch, 10' tree on slopes at the head of a secondary channel, 2125' elev ca. 45 degrees incline dominated by Diospyros spp., Pelea spp., and Metrosideros polymorpha PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Takeuchi, W.N. 1846 Oahu BISH 11/18/1984
47 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray waiakea; upper waiakea forest reserve, site 15 os Ohia-treefern dieback. Primary vegetation: Metrosideros polymorpha, Coprosma spp., Ilex anomala, Gouldia sp., Cheirodendron trigynum, Psychotria hawaiiensis, Psidium cattleianum & Pritchardia sp. Soil a deep moderately well drained ash over pahoehoe. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN adee, k.t. collector number: s.n. Hawaii BISH 6/7/1979
48 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray poamoho trail, paalaa- wahiawa PRESERVED_SPECIMEN st.john, h. collector number: 17659 Oahu BISH 11/22/1936
49 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Waimea District, Nuololo, central branch Metrosideros-Acacia mesic forest with Alphitonia ponderosa, Claoxylon sandwicensis, Dodonaea viscosa, Myrsine lanaiensis, Dracaena aurea, Polyscias kavaiensis, Planchonella sandwicensis, Bobea brevipes, Melicope ovata, M. barbigera PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Wood, K.R. 15036 Kauai BISH 6/19/2012
50 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Wailau valley, ridge to Olokui seacliffs; wet forest; Metrosideros, Dicranopteris linearis, Cheirodendron, Prtichardia lowreyana, Ilex, Freycinetia arborea, Broussaisia arguta, Cyrtandra grayi, Psychotria mariniana, Cibotium, Touchardia latifolia, Tetraplasandra oahuensis, Alyxia, Antidesma platyphylla, Cyanea solenocalyx PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Wood, K.R. 8918 Molokai BISH 4/24/2001
51 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray South Kona District: Pahoehoe 2 AHU. Tr 66(34/35) [??]; W slopes Mauna Loa 0.7 km north Kaohe 1-3 & 1.7 km south Honokua 1950 flows Mesic koa-`ohi`a forest with other native trees and a native-exotic shrub and grass u/s. Partly shaded. Rare here; only 1 seen; growing on `a` lava with soil. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Jacobi, J.D. 1123 Hawaii BISH 7/25/1978
52 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray koele, mountains near PRESERVED_SPECIMEN forbes, c.n. collector number: 55.2 Lanai BISH 6/1/1913
53 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray mahana valley, head of PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: 8127 Lanai BISH 8/2/1910
54 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray punaluu mt PRESERVED_SPECIMEN forbes, r. collector number: s.n. Oahu BISH 11/14/1908
55 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Lanai PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Munro, G.C. 298 Lanai BISH
56 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray pupukea military trail, along stream PRESERVED_SPECIMEN macdaniels, l.h. collector number: 538 Oahu BISH 1/29/1927
57 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray waihanau headwaters In partial shade. A plant with straggling stems planted in a hanging pot. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN wood, k.r. hughes, g.; menard, t. collector number: 10605 Oahu BISH 3/11/2004
58 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Honaunau Forest Preserve, South; transect 1 at 4000'; upper gate to transect = 2.8 miles; enter from north side of road; wet rainforest Cibotium with hardwoods; excellent spot for ferns and liverworts; some pig trails; tall (up to 4-5' ), terrestrial or epiphyte; two seen; medium trees. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Herbst, D.R. 1804 Hawaii BISH 7/16/1970
59 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Koele, mountains near PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C.N. 55.2 Lanai BISH 6/1/1913
60 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Wailupe PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hillebrand, W.B. S.N. Oahu BISH
61 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray waiakea; upper waiakea forest reserve, site 15 os Ohia-treefern dieback. Primary vegetation: Metrosideros polymorpha, Coprosma spp., Ilex anomala, Gouldia sp., Cheirodendron trigynum, Psychotria hawaiiensis, Psidium cattleianum & Pritchardia sp. Soil a deep moderately well drained ash over pahoehoe. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN adee, k.t. collector number: s.n. Hawaii BISH 6/18/1979
62 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Makawao District, Keanae AHU, N slope of Haleakala, lower Keanae Valley PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Warshauer, F.R. s.n. Maui BISH 7/14/1980
63 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray kula pipe line, waikamoi PRESERVED_SPECIMEN forbes, c.n. collector number: 1270.m Maui BISH 8/6/1919
64 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray ne of puu mahoe PRESERVED_SPECIMEN degener, o. degener, i.; fleming, w. collector number: 25150 BISH 4/2/1959
65 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray wailupe PRESERVED_SPECIMEN hillebrand, w.b. lydgate, j.m. collector number: s.n. Oahu BISH
66 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Waianae Mts., central Makaleha gulch below Mt. Kaala road Acacia koa, Metrosideros, Psychotria hathewayi, Melicope peduncularis, Syzygium sandwicense, Diospyros hillebrandii, Morinda trimera, Psidium cattleianum, Rubus rosifolius, Grevillea robusta, Psychotria mariniana PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Wood, K.R. 5634 Oahu BISH 4/27/1996
67 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Ridge left side Kipahulu Valley PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C.N. 1640.M Maui BISH 11/15/1919
68 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Pupukea Military trail, along stream PRESERVED_SPECIMEN MacDaniels, L.H. 538 Oahu BISH 1/29/1927
69 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray waimea district, waimea ahu. tr 5(31); alakai swamp, near koaie cabin Wet `ohi`a forest with other native trees and a treefern and native shrub understory. On protected mid-lower slopes of large gulch. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN warshauer, f.r. mceldowney, p.h. collector number: frw 3396 Kauai BISH 5/14/1981
70 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray on upper ridge between waiohiwi & kahakapo gulches Acacia-Metrosideros, 50% open 7 m canopy, understory of uluhe mat ferns dissected by riparian vegetation; ohia, Cheirodendron, Ilex, Clermontia arborescens, Scaevola chamissonlana, Myrsine lessertiana, Melicope, Hedyotis, Coprosma, Perrottetia, Broussaisia, Vaccinium, Styphelia, Cyrtandra, Rubus hawaiensis, ferns, bryophytes PRESERVED_SPECIMEN warshauer, f.r. mceldowney, p.h. collector number: frw 2723 Maui BISH 6/27/1980
71 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Found with Syzygium sandwicensis, Kadua affinis, Pittosporum gayanum, P. glabrum, Ilex anomala, Melicope anisata, M. clusiifolia, Myrsine dentata, M. Punctata, Psychotria hexandra, P. mariniana, P. greenwel. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Wood, K.R. Wood, M. Collector Number: 15211.00 Kauai BISH 9/13/2012
72 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray puna distr. 'olaa ahu. tr 30(51); e slope of mauna loa; sw corner of kulani project PRESERVED_SPECIMEN warshauer, f.r. collector number: frw 1261 Oahu BISH 7/27/1977
73 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray spur ridge to Puu Kuua at elev 2150', a 5m tree on highly inclined slopes, substrate consisting mainly of loose rocks and talus debris PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Takeuchi, W.N. 806 Oahu BISH 7/15/1984
74 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray South Kona District: Pahoehoe 2 AHU. Tr 66(34/35) [??]; W slopes Mauna Loa 0.7 km north Kaohe 1-3 & 1.7 km south Honokua 1950 flows Mesic koa-`ohi`a forest with other native trees and a native-exotic shrub and grass u/s. Partly shaded. Rare here; only 1 seen; growing on `a` lava with soil. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Jacobi, J.D. JDJ 1123 Hawaii BISH 7/25/1978
75 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Puu Makaala, Upper Olaa FR, Puna distr Tall, dense, wet Metrosideros-Cibotium-Gouldia-Astelia forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Nagata, K.M. 1882 Hawaii BISH 6/1/1979
76 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray kilauea PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. copeland collector number: 12584 Hawaii BISH 7/19/1915
77 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray East Maui, Piiholo Mts., Makawao town Pihulo, Makawao PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hillebrand, W.B. s.n. Maui BISH
78 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Of rare occurrence in the Laupahoehoe Section of Hilo Forest Reserve Growing in a Metrosideros/Acacia forest on the side of a small gully. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Clarke, G. 575 Hawaii BISH 3/4/1981
79 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray spur ridge to puu kuua at elev. 2150', growing near waianae_128 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN takeuchi, w.n. obata, j. collector number: s.n. Oahu BISH 7/15/1984
80 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray puna district. olaa forest reserve. ca. 10.8 km from the junction of stainback highway and highway 17, towards kulani prison. at ca. 1085 m, in closed metrosideros-cibotium forest. ca. 3 m high Beach drift PRESERVED_SPECIMEN herat, t. herat, r. collector number: 590 Oahu BISH 6/15/1974
81 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Maunalei PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Munro, G.C. 93 Lanai BISH
82 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray waianae mts.; mokuleia; mokuleia forest reserve, mokuleia-makua divide Rain forest at divide. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN st.john, h. collector number: 12244 Oahu BISH 11/25/1932
83 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray West Maui, Wailuku District, SE slopes of Hanaula, in unnamed gulch E of Pohakea Gulch headwaters, S of Waikapua Valley near Puu marked 3896 on USGS quadrangle In gulch bottom below waterfalls. Vegetation: Metrosideros, Cheirodendron, Coprosma, Myrsine, Melicope, Broussaisia, Dicranopteris, Sadleria, Cibotium, Labordia, Athyrium, Diplazium, Cyrtandra, Cyanea, Nertera, Tibouchina, Rubus, Juncus, Erigeron. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Oppenheimer, H.L. H50723 Maui BISH 5/21/2007
84 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Kaiholena PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Munro, G.C. 460 Lanai BISH 7/27/1915
85 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray kaluaa-hapapa, spindly treelet in rubble filled channel. field no. waianae 1205 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN takeuchi, w.n. bornhorst, h. collector number: 3951 Oahu BISH 9/1/1988
86 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray stream leading to opaiwela , koholuaneana PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: 5772 Kauai BISH 9/7/1909
87 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray pakiloi old lava PRESERVED_SPECIMEN forbes, c.n. collector number: 2084.m Hawaii BISH 3/23/1920
88 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray kaluaa gulch PRESERVED_SPECIMEN takeuchi, w.n. holt, r.a. collector number: 1846 Oahu BISH 11/18/1984
89 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray w maui, honokowai ditch trail Partly shaded slope PRESERVED_SPECIMEN degener, o. degener, i.; fleming, w. collector number: 25118 Maui BISH 3/27/1959
90 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray puua ulu PRESERVED_SPECIMEN forbes, c.n. collector number: 1029.h. Hawaii BISH 7/5/1915
91 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray north hilo district: laupahoehoe ahu. tr 17(220); east slope of mauna kea; on ridge between humuula road & maulua trail upper woods PRESERVED_SPECIMEN warshauer, f.r. mceldowney, p.h. collector number: frw 1537 Maui BISH 11/20/1977
92 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Nahiku PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J.F.C. S.N. Maui BISH 1/10/1909
93 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Upper Olaa forest Reserve, Growing alongside Cibotium which forms a dense understory beneath tall metrosideros. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Davis, J. Collector Number: 406 Hawaii BISH 10/22/1980
94 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Mahana Valley, head of PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Anon. s.n. Lanai BISH 8/2/1910
95 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray east maui, hana district, waihoi valley PRESERVED_SPECIMEN harrison, b. herbst, d.r. collector number: 2529 Maui BISH 7/20/1972
96 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Ekahanui Gulch; slightly on ridge top ascending to top of Puu Kaua; 2/3 distance to summit from firebreak trail Assoc. with Antidesma, Metrosideros, Pipturus & Urera. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Obata, J.K. 84-446 Oahu BISH 2/26/1984
97 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray south kona district: kealia ahu. tr 63(55); w slopes of mauna loa; n of big hill camp Growing Ilex anomela, Broussaisia spp., Pelea, Suttonia sandwicensis, Gouldia spp., etc. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN warshauer, f.r. mceldowney, p.h. collector number: frw 1944 Oahu BISH 7/7/1978
98 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray waianae mts.; mokuleia, piko trail moist forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN yuncker, t.g. collector number: s.n. Oahu BISH 11/25/1932
99 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray East Maui, Nahiku PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C.N. 265.M. Maui BISH 7/1/1910
100 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Waianae Mts., Pukaloa gulch, above Shoffield, off ridge trial to Puu Kalena, near Kumakalii In Metrosideros lowland wet forest with Alyxia, Canthium, Nestegis, Chamaesyce, Psidium, Antidesma, Pleomele, Claoxylon, Urera, Nothocestrum longiflorum, Zanthoxylum, Embelia, Pisonia, Bobea, Psychotria, Scaevola, Melicope, Astelia, Labordia, Perrottetia with flower. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Perlman, S. 5643 Oahu BISH 4/14/1987
101 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray nahiku PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: s.n. Maui BISH 1/10/1909
102 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray site 31 os; olaa; olaa forest reserve, t-8 Closed healthy forest; primary vegetation: Metrosideros polymorpha, Ilex anomala, Myrsine lessertiana, Cheirodendron trigynum, Coprosma spp., Psychotria hawaiiensis & Gouldia sp. Soil a moderately deep and well drained organic/ash over pahoehoe. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN adee, k.t. collector number: s.n. Hawaii BISH 6/28/1979
103 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Waianae Mts.; Mokuleia; Mokuleia Forest Reserve, Mokuleia-Makua divide Rain forest at divide. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN St. John, H. 12244 Oahu BISH 11/25/1932
104 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray waikolu, waiholu tunnel trail on #49 switch back PRESERVED_SPECIMEN landgraf, m.f. Molokai BISH 2/20/1956
105 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Kilauea PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J.F.C. 12584 Hawaii BISH 7/19/1915
106 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray West Maui, Lahaina District, lower northeast slope of Honolua Peak in Kaluanui (Western Honokohau) drainage .. growing along a small spring fed stream, in wet, shady, steep gully. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Oppenheimer, H.L. s.n. Maui BISH 4/9/2003
107 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Stream leading to Ohaiula (?) PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J.F.C. 5772 Kauai BISH 9/7/1909
108 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray kaaawa Hidden Valley, up above Kaaawa, 1400 ft. el, up right side stream(N) in back of valley Metrosideros-Dicranopteris lowland wet forest with Athyrium sandwichianum, Cordyline, Psidium guajava, Urera glabra, Charpentiera, Cyrtandra, Cyanea acuminata, Rollandia. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN perlman, s.p. obata, j. collector number: 5832 Oahu BISH 5/12/1987
109 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray wainiha, upper ne fork Arid coastal limestone rocks. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN wood, k.r. collector number: 13270 Oahu BISH 9/11/2008
110 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray unknown Mesic koa-`ohi`a forest with other native trees and a native-exotic shrub and grass u/s. Partly shaded. Rare here; only 1 seen; growing on `a` lava with soil. PreservedSpecimen Jacobi, J.D. Collector Number: 1123 BISH Specimen 7/25/1978
111 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray near Kaala, elev. 660m, 45 degrees slopes with intact natvie canopy; open beneath PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Takeuchi, W.N. 2836 Oahu BISH 9/1/1986
112 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray pahole drainage #2 Mesic diverse forest associated with Pisonia umbellifera; Xylosma hawaiiensis; Metrosideros polymorpha; Chamaesyce herbstii. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN welton, p. simon, c. collector number: 610 Oahu BISH 12/16/1990
113 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray forest along n.border of ewa forest reserve PRESERVED_SPECIMEN christophersen, e. wilder, g.p. collector number: 1610 Hawaii BISH 2/20/1931
114 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Kohala Mountains: Waipio; Upper Hamakua Ditch Trail Summit of moist pali. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN St. John, H. 11467 Hawaii BISH 1/1/1932
115 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Kauai PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Lydgate, J.M. s.n. Kauai BISH 5/14/1981
116 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Puua ulu PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C.N. 1029.H. Hawaii BISH 7/5/1915
117 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Forest along N.border of Ewa forest reserve PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Christophersen, E. 1610 Oahu BISH 2/20/1931
118 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Waianae Mts., above Kunia, head of large valley between Kanehoa peak and Puu Kaua PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Pearsall, G.A. 466 Oahu BISH 9/1/1959
119 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray koolauloa mts. between punahou and kaipaupau PRESERVED_SPECIMEN forbes, c.n. collector number: s.n. Oahu BISH 5/8/1909
120 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray koolau PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rich, y.j. collector number: 138 Molokai BISH 12/3/1908
121 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray West Maui, Lahaina District, lower northeast slope of Honolua Peak in Kaluanui (Western Honokohau) drainage .. growing along a small spring fed stream, in wet, shady, steep gully. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Oppenheimer, H.L. Abbott, L. Collector Number: H40302 Maui BISH 4/9/2003
122 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray punaluu mts PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: s.n. Oahu BISH 11/14/1908
123 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray North Hilo District: Laupahoehoe Section of Hilo Forest Reserve growing with several small `aiea trees on edge of gully in closed-canopy Metrosideros forest with understory of mixed native trees and Cibotium spp. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Cuddihy, L.W. 743 Hawaii BISH 3/3/1981
124 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Wainiha, upper NE fork Closed Metrowideros forest, 8-12 m canopy. Understory dominated by Antidesma w/mixed wet associates, Syzygium, Broussaisia, Perrottetia, Cyrtandra spp, Psychotria spp, Dubautia spp, Labordia spp, Coprosma waimeae, Cheirodendron spp, Tetraplasandra PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Wood, K.R. 13270 Kauai BISH 9/11/2008
125 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Hanalei District; Kalalau Rim; North, below Puuokila Steep diverse mountain mesic forest with Remya montgomeryi, Nototrichium sp., Hedyotis acuminata, Nothocestrum longifolium, Schiedea membranacea, Phyllostegia electra, Myrsine linearifolia, Eurya sandwicensis, Melicope pallida; weeds... Passiflora mollissima, Rubus argutus, Kalanchoe, Erigeron, Lonicera. Area degraded by goats and pigs. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Wood, K.R. 1024 Kauai BISH 7/6/1991
126 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray waimea district, nuololo, central branch roadway in recently inundated area PRESERVED_SPECIMEN wood, k.r. query, m. collector number: 15036 Oahu BISH 6/19/2012
127 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray woods near ukulele, above olinda, e. maui PRESERVED_SPECIMEN forbes, c.n. collector number: 203.m Maui BISH 7/1/1910
128 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray koolau mts PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: 137 Oahu BISH 12/3/1908
129 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Puna ulu PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C.N. 1029.H. Oahu BISH 7/1/1915
130 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray east maui, nahiku PRESERVED_SPECIMEN forbes, c.n. collector number: 265.m. Maui BISH 7/1/1910
131 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray upper olaa forest reserve, PRESERVED_SPECIMEN davis, j. collector number: 406 Molokai BISH 10/22/1980
132 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray of rare occurrence in the laupahoehoe section of hilo forest reserve Growing in a Metrosideros/Acacia forest on the side of a small gully. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN clarke, g. collector number: 575 Hawaii BISH 3/4/1981
133 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray On upper ridge between Waiohiwi & Kahakapo Gulches PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Warshauer, F.R. FRW 2728 Maui BISH 6/28/1980
134 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Kaluaa gulch 10' tree on slopes at the head of a secondary channel, ca. 45 degree incline dominated by Metrosideros polymorpha, Diospyros spp., and Pelea spp. population in flower PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Takeuchi, W.N. 1846 Oahu BISH 11/18/1984
135 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Keauhou Ranch near the Hawaii Volcanoes N.P ohia/koa forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Giffin, J. ESP 248 Hawaii BISH 5/2/1980
136 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray woods near Ukulele, above Olinda, E. Maui PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C.N. 203.M Maui BISH 7/1/1910
137 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray koolaulua m5 between puualuu & paipaupau PRESERVED_SPECIMEN forbes, c.n. collector number: 1373 Kauai BISH 5/8/1909
138 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Kalaupapa; Waikolu, S, stream head of valley PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hughes, G.D. 1103 Molokai BISH 11/23/2004
139 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Waianae range, Pahole gulch PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Obata, J.K. 406 Oahu BISH 9/24/1978
140 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray w maui, hanaulua, upper pohakea stream PRESERVED_SPECIMEN hobdy, r.w. collector number: 249 Maui BISH 6/26/1971
141 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Waianae Mts., Kunia, 3 mi.back of pineapple fields, to ridge overlooking Lualualei, side of gulch PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Pearsall, G.A. s.n. Oahu BISH 7/27/1959
142 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray kaluaa gulch at elev. 2125, growing by nothocestrum coll. waianae_170 (#1846) PRESERVED_SPECIMEN takeuchi, w.n. collector number: 1847 Oahu BISH 11/18/1984
143 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray honaunau forest preserve, south; transect 1 at 4000'; upper gate to transect = 2.8 miles; enter from north side of road; wet rainforest Cibotium with hardwoods; excellent spot for ferns and liverworts; some pig trails; tall (up to 4-5' ), terrestrial or epiphyte; two seen; medium trees. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN herbst, d.r. collector number: 1804 Hawaii BISH 7/16/1970
144 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Near head of Papali Gulch, Hauula, Koolau Mts Wetwoods on side of gulch. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Fosberg, F.R. 29710 Oahu BISH 3/21/1948
145 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray N. Honouliuli Diverse mesic forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Takeuchi, W.N. 3891 Oahu BISH 7/17/1988
146 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray near Waieli, rubbled filled channel draining main divide, est. elev. 2400'-2500' PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Takeuchi, W.N. 3908 Oahu BISH 7/17/1988
147 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray makawao district, keanae ahu, n slope of haleakala, lower keanae valley PRESERVED_SPECIMEN warshauer, f.r. mceldowney, p.h. Maui BISH 7/14/1980
148 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Near Alakai Swamp PRESERVED_SPECIMEN MacDaniels, L.H. 755 Kauai BISH 2/17/1927
149 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray molokai PRESERVED_SPECIMEN davis, j. anderson, s. collector number: jd #875 Oahu BISH 5/29/1982
150 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray ulupalakua-kaupo highway, s of haleakala crater PRESERVED_SPECIMEN little jr., e.l. collector number: 31107 Hawaii BISH 8/25/1976
151 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray puna distr. 'olaa ahu tr 30(67); e slope of mauna loa; upper 'olaa forest reserve wet 'ohi'a a forest with other native trees and a treefern and native shrub understory. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN warshauer, f.r. collector number: frw 1264 Hawaii BISH 7/28/1977
152 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray puna ulu PRESERVED_SPECIMEN forbes, c.n. collector number: 1029.h. Oahu BISH 7/1/1915
153 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Punaluu Mt PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, R. s.n. Oahu BISH 11/14/1908
154 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Punaluu Mts PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J.F.C. s.n. Oahu BISH 11/14/1908
155 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Puna District. Olaa Forest Reserve. Ca. 10.8 km from the junction of Stainback Highway and Highway 17, towards Kulani Prison. At ca. 1085 m, in closed Metrosideros-Cibotium forest. Ca. 3 m high PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Herat, T. 590 Hawaii BISH 6/15/1974
156 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Pahole Drainage #2 Mesic diverse forest associated with Pisonia umbellifera; Xylosma hawaiiensis; Metrosideros polymorpha; Chamaesyce herbstii. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Welton, P. 610 Oahu BISH 12/16/1990
157 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray waianae mts., above kunia, head of large valley between kanehoa peak and puu kaua PRESERVED_SPECIMEN pearsall, g.a. collector number: 466 Kauai BISH 9/1/1959
158 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray waianae mts., honouliuli, north palawai gulch, north facing slope, subgulch with silene, 2500 ft el In Acacia koa-Metrosideros lowland mesic forest with Urera glabra, Streblus, Pteralyxia macrocarpa, Cyanea membranacea, Bidens, Dubautia, Viola, Claoxylon, Dianella, Passiflora suberosa, Pittosporum, Psychotria PRESERVED_SPECIMEN perlman, s.p. collector number: 6164 Oahu BISH 7/12/1987
159 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray kaea PRESERVED_SPECIMEN forbes, c.n. collector number: 2547 Maui BISH 6/18/1920
160 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray makakupaia ahu. in gulch below waterpipe on ridge. n of s fork of kaunakakai gulch. ca 3420ft PRESERVED_SPECIMEN stemmermann, r.l. montgomery, s. collector number: rls 3952 Molokai BISH 6/26/1979
161 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Ridge rt.side Kipahulu PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C.N. 1663.M Maui BISH 11/17/1919
162 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray On upper ridge between Waiohiwi & Kahakapo Gulches PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Warshauer, F.R. FRW 2723 Maui BISH 6/27/1980
163 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray waipio; kipapa gulch Moist woods PRESERVED_SPECIMEN hosaka, e.y. collector number: 586 Molokai BISH 6/26/1932
164 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray East Maui, Hana District, Keanae AHU, N slope of Haleakala, Koolau Forest Reserve, along ridge above W Wailuanui Street PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Higashino, P.K. PKH 9087 Maui BISH 6/1/1980
165 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Haleakala PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Anon. S.N. Maui BISH
166 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Kaaawa Hidden Valley, up above Kaaawa, 1400 ft. el, up right side stream(N) in back of valley Metrosideros-Dicranopteris lowland wet forest with Athyrium sandwichianum, Cordyline, Psidium guajava, Urera glabra, Charpentiera, Cyrtandra, Cyanea acuminata, Rollandia. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Perlman, S. 5832 Oahu BISH 5/12/1987
167 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray spur ridge to puu kuua at elev 2150', a 5m tree on highly inclined slopes, substrate consisting mainly of loose rocks and talus debris PRESERVED_SPECIMEN takeuchi, w.n. obata, j. collector number: 806 Oahu BISH 7/15/1984
168 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray stream leading to ohaiula (?) PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: 5772 Kauai BISH 9/7/1909
169 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Large section of Olaa trail, Hawaii Volcanoes National Park Scattered Metrosideros, dense subcanopy of Cibotium. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Higashino, P.K. 10332 Hawaii BISH 5/16/1984
170 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray mahana valley, head of PRESERVED_SPECIMEN anon. collector number: s.n. Lanai BISH 8/2/1910
171 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Kokee. Bottom of N facing slope of upper Honopu valley, 10 ft back from stream Mixed mesic forest above with Acacia koa, Metrosideros, Platydesma spathulata, Nothocestrum peltatum, Lobelia yuccoides, Melicope haupuensis, Melicope barbigera, Dodonaea, viscosa, Psychotria, Metrosideros polymorpha, Cryptocaria mannii, Pouteria sandwicensis, Charpentiera elliptica. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Tangalin, N. 1833 Kauai BISH 11/11/2008
172 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Koolauloa mts. between Punahou and Kaipaupau PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C.N. s.n. Oahu BISH 5/8/1909
173 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Waimea District, Waimea AHU. Tr 5(31); Alakai Swamp, near Koaie cabin Wet `ohi`a forest with other native trees and a treefern and native shrub understory. On protected mid-lower slopes of large gulch. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Warshauer, F.R. FRW 3396 Kauai BISH 5/14/1981
174 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray wailau valley, ridge to olokui PRESERVED_SPECIMEN wood, k.r. perlman, s.; legrande, m.; ching, s. collector number: 8918 Hawaii BISH 4/24/2001
175 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray on upper ridge between waiohiwi & kahakapo gulches PRESERVED_SPECIMEN warshauer, f.r. mceldowney, p.h. collector number: frw 2728 Maui BISH 6/28/1980
176 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Waianae Mts.: Kunia trail just east of Puu Kanehaa; Tree, sterile. Behind the clump of Joinvillea. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Stone, B.C. 3254 Oahu BISH 3/26/1960
177 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray koele, mountains near PRESERVED_SPECIMEN forbes, c.n. collector number: 55.l Lanai BISH 7/1/1913
178 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray waianae mts., central makaleha gulch below mt. kaala road Acacia koa, Metrosideros, Psychotria hathewayi, Melicope peduncularis, Syzygium sandwicense, Diospyros hillebrandii, Morinda trimera, Psidium cattleianum, Rubus rosifolius, Grevillea robusta, Psychotria mariniana PRESERVED_SPECIMEN wood, k.r. perlman, s.; kennedy, r. collector number: 5634 Oahu BISH 4/27/1996
179 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Kukuiula Gulch; Mokuleia Waianaeuka On divide. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN St. John, H. 14074 Oahu BISH 2/14/1934
180 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray east maui, hana district, waihoi valley PRESERVED_SPECIMEN harrison, b. collector number: 1054 Oahu BISH 6/27/1972
181 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Paliwai Gulch; Honouliuli Northeast facing slope with Xylosma; Phyllostegia parviflora. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Welton, P. 311 Oahu BISH 1/28/1990
182 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray maunaloa, big island PRESERVED_SPECIMEN apply, w. mceldowney, p.h. collector number: 8769 Maui BISH 4/1/1911
183 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray North Hilo District: Laupahoehoe AHU. Tr 17(220); east slope of Mauna Kea; on ridge between Humuula Road & Maulua Trail Mesic koa-`ohi`a forest with other native trees and a native-exotic shrub and grass u/s. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Warshauer, F.R. FRW 1537 Hawaii BISH 11/20/1977
184 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray East Maui, Nahiku PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C.N. 265.M Maui BISH 7/1/1910
185 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray ridge rt.side kipahulu PRESERVED_SPECIMEN forbes, c.n. collector number: 1663.m Molokai BISH 11/17/1919
186 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray near kaala, elev. 660m, 45 degrees slopes with intact natvie canopy; open beneath PRESERVED_SPECIMEN takeuchi, w.n. collector number: 2836 Oahu BISH 9/1/1986
187 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray junction of Kulani & 15 3/4 mile roads. Waiakea, S. Hilo Dist wet metrosideros & Cibotium forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN St. John, H. 22363 Hawaii BISH 12/24/1946
188 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Maunalei Gulch; in the Kumoa/Waialala Gulches area PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Herbst, D.R. 4047 Lanai BISH 6/13/1974
189 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray n.honouliuli 2' streambed PRESERVED_SPECIMEN takeuchi, w.n. collector number: 3892 Oahu BISH 7/17/1988
190 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray kaiholena PRESERVED_SPECIMEN munro, g.c. collector number: 298 Lanai BISH 1/19/1915
191 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Konahuanui PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Mann, H. S.N. Oahu BISH 2/6/1905
192 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Northwestern margin of the Kaluaa drainage On eroding slopes with Alectryon and Zanthoxylum. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Takeuchi, W.N. 2820 Oahu BISH 9/7/1986
193 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray koolau ridge below olympus PRESERVED_SPECIMEN garber, d.w. collector number: 214 Oahu BISH 2/1/1920
194 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray hanalei district; kalalau rim; north, below puuokila PRESERVED_SPECIMEN wood, k.r. collector number: 1024 Oahu BISH 7/6/1991
195 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray haleakala, skyline drive near puu kao Dry, decadent forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN degener, o. fleming, w. collector number: 26880 Maui BISH 1/17/1960
196 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Koolaulua m5 between Puualuu & Paipaupau PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C.N. 1373 Oahu BISH 5/8/1909
197 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Waikolu, Waikolu tunnel trail on #49 switch back. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Landgraf, M.F. s.n. Molokai BISH 3/25/1956
198 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray east maui, hana district, keanae ahu, n slope of haleakala, koolau forest reserve, along ridge above w wailuanui street Epiphytic herb on rocks in full sun. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN higashino, p.k. holt, r.a. collector number: pkh 9087 Kauai BISH 6/1/1980
199 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray North Honaunau Forest Reserve; transect 3.3 miles aobve gate; formerly grazed (?) open koa parkland; wet; second layer; Ilex, Metrosideros saplings, Gouldia, Coprosma; third layer: Clermontia (2 spp.), Rubus hawaiensis; ground cover of ferns and Senecio mikanioides; PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Herbst, D.R. 1825 Hawaii BISH 7/17/1970
200 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray mauna loa near kilauea PRESERVED_SPECIMEN bryan, l.w. collector number: s.n. Hawaii BISH 6/1/1936
201 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Metrosideros-Acacia Forest Kipapa-Waiawa Ridge, Waipio PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Grant, M.L. 7249 Oahu BISH 8/7/1934
202 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray east maui, hana district, keanae ahu, n slope of haleakala, koolau forest reserve, along ridge above w wailuanui street Eugenia, Metrosideros, Acacia; open PRESERVED_SPECIMEN warshauer, f.r. mceldowney, p.h. collector number: frw 2606 Oahu BISH 6/20/1980
203 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Located in upper Kipuka Ki at 4630' elevation within the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park Habitat is an open Acacia-Metrosideros forest with a substory of Coprosma and a dense herbaceous cover of pasture grasses and ferns. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Clarke, G. Collector Number: 542 Hawaii BISH 10/29/1980
204 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Waiakea; Upper Waiakea Forest Reserve, Site 15 OS Ohia-treefern dieback. Primary vegetation: Metrosideros polymorpha, Coprosma spp., Ilex anomala, Gouldia sp., Cheirodendron trigynum, Psychotria hawaiiensis, Psidium cattleianum & Pritchardia sp. Soil a deep moderately well drained ash over pahoehoe. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Adee, K.T. s.n. Hawaii BISH 6/7/1979
205 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray North Hilo District: Laupahoehoe Section of Hilo Forest Reserve growing in understory of closed-canopy Metrosideros forest with other native trees. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Cuddihy, L.W. 741 Hawaii BISH 3/3/1981
206 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Waiahuakua valley, upper valley below Pohakea cabin. Metrosideros - Dicranopteris linearis wet forest. With Psychotria hexandra, Chrysodracon, Melicope wawraeana, Alyxia, Ilex anomala, Cheirodendron, Scaevola procera, Sadleria, Kadua affinis, Bidens forbesii, Clidemia hirta, Hedychium gardnerianum, Er PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Perlman, S. 25190 Kauai BISH 9/28/2016
207 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray East Maui, Auwahi-Kahikinui PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J.F.C. 8689 Maui BISH 11/1/1910
208 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Site 31 OS; Olaa; Olaa Forest Reserve, T-8 Closed healthy forest; primary vegetation: Metrosideros polymorpha, Ilex anomala, Myrsine lessertiana, Cheirodendron trigynum, Coprosma spp., Psychotria hawaiiensis & Gouldia sp. Soil a moderately deep and well drained organic/ash over pahoehoe. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Adee, K.T. s.n. Hawaii BISH 6/28/1979
209 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Maunaloa, Big Island PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Apply, W. 8769 Maui BISH 4/1/1911
210 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Puu a ulu (Kipuka Puaulu) PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C.N. 1029.H Hawaii BISH 7/1/1915
211 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray East Maui, Hana District, Waihoi Valley, Puu Hoolio PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Harrison, B. 2529 Maui BISH 7/20/1972
212 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Opaiwela Stream, Kaholuamano PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J.F.C. 5773 Kauai BISH 9/7/1909
213 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Located in upper Kipuka Ki, Hawaii volcanoes National park Habitat is an open Acacia-Metrosideros forest with a substory of Coprosma and a dense herbaceous cover of pasture grasses and ferns. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Clarke, G. 542 Hawaii BISH 10/29/1980
214 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Olinda, Pipe Line Trail In forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Degener, O. 7423 Maui BISH 6/14/1927
215 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray puu makaala, upper olaa fr, puna distr lemon yellow-green, fragrant. Tall, dense, wet Metrosideros-Cibotium-Gouldia-Astelia forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN nagata, k.m. collector number: 1882 Hawaii BISH 6/1/1979
216 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray pia valley, e branch, streambed at 1550' elev. in the upper section where there are steep waterfalls PRESERVED_SPECIMEN takeuchi, w.n. obata, j. collector number: s.n. Maui BISH 7/29/1984
217 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Kaea PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C.N. 2547 Maui BISH 6/18/1920
218 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Kula Pipe Line, Waikamoi PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C.N. 1270.M Maui BISH 8/6/1919
219 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Waikolu, Waikolu tunnel trail on #49 switch back. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Landgraf, M.F. s.n. Molokai BISH 3/20/1956
220 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray koolauloa mts. between punahou and kaipaupau PRESERVED_SPECIMEN forbes, c.n. collector number: s.n. Oahu BISH 11/14/1908
221 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray maunalei PRESERVED_SPECIMEN munro, g.c. collector number: 093 Oahu BISH
222 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray maunalei gulch; in the kumoa/waialala gulches area PRESERVED_SPECIMEN herbst, d.r. collector number: 4047 Niihau BISH 6/13/1974
223 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray east maui, forest of hamakua PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: 8516 Maui BISH 9/1/1910
224 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray kukuiula gulch; mokuleia waianaeuka PRESERVED_SPECIMEN st.john, h. collector number: 14074 Oahu BISH 2/14/1934
225 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray site 24 os; olaa, olaa forest reserve Closed healthy forest; assoc. spp.: Metrosideros polymorpha, Ilex anomala, Myrsine lessertiana, Cheirodendron trigynum, Coprosma spp., Psychotria hawaiiensis & Gouldia sp. Soil a moderately deep and well drained organic/ash found over an a`a flow. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN adee, k.t. collector number: s.n. Hawaii BISH 9/29/1978
226 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Waipio; Kipapa Gulch Second north fork, Koolau Mountains, moist gully. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hosaka, E.Y. 586 Oahu BISH 6/26/1932
227 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Kaiholena PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Munro, G.C. 298 Lanai BISH 1/19/1915
228 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray W Maui, Honokowai ditch trail Partly shaded slope PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Degener, O. 25118 Maui BISH 3/27/1959
229 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray W Maui, Hanaulua, upper Pohakea Stream PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hobdy, R.W. 249 Maui BISH 6/26/1971
230 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray junction of kulani & 15 3/4 mile roads. waiakea, s. hilo dist wet metrosideros & Cibotium forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN st.john, h. rogers, d.p. collector number: 22363 Hawaii BISH 12/24/1946
231 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray west maui, wailuku district, se slopes of hanaula, in unnamed gulch e of pohakea gulch headwaters, s of waikapua valley near puu marked 3896 on usgs quadrangle In gulch bottom below waterfalls. Vegetation: Metrosideros, Cheirodendron, Coprosma, Myrsine, Melicope, Broussaisia, Dicranopteris, Sadleria, Cibotium, Labordia, Athyrium, Diplazium, Cyrtandra, Cyanea, Nertera, Tibouchina, Rubus, Juncus, Erigeron. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN oppenheimer, h.l. collector number: h50723 Maui BISH 5/21/2007
232 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray east maui, auwahi-kahikinui PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: 8689 Maui BISH 11/1/1910
233 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Koolau ridge below Olympus PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Garber, D.W. 214 Oahu BISH 2/1/1920
234 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray east maui, n slope of haleakala, koolau forest reserve, in gulch near stream. hana district PRESERVED_SPECIMEN higashino, p.k. holt, r.a. collector number: pkh 9081 Maui BISH 6/1/1980
235 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Stream leading to Opaiwela , Koholuaneana PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J.F.C. 5772 Kauai BISH 9/7/1909
236 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Found with Syzygium sandwicensis, Kadua affinis, Pittosporum gayanum, P. glabrum, Ilex anomala, Melicope anisata, M. clusiifolia, Myrsine dentata, M. Punctata, Psychotria hexandra, P. mariniana, P. greenwel. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN wood, k.r. wood, m. collector number: 15211.00 Kauai BISH 9/13/2012
237 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray East Maui, Hana District, Waihoi Valley PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Harrison, B. 1054 Maui BISH 6/27/1972
238 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray east maui, hana district, waihoi valley, puu hoolio pasture; on soil banks, exposed PRESERVED_SPECIMEN harrison, b. herbst, d.r. collector number: 2529 Oahu BISH 7/20/1972
239 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray large section of olaa trail, hawaii volcanoes national park Scattered Metrosideros, dense subcanopy of Cibotium. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN higashino, p.k. collector number: 10332 Hawaii BISH 5/16/1984
240 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Upper Olaa forest Reserve, Growing alongside Cibotium which forms a dense understory beneath tall metrosideros. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Davis, J. 406 Hawaii BISH 10/22/1980
241 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray near alakai swamp PRESERVED_SPECIMEN macdaniels, l.h. collector number: 755 Kauai BISH 2/17/1927
242 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray North Hilo District: Laupahoehoe Section of Hilo Forest Reserve Growing within 30' of 4 other 'aiea trees. Closed Metrosideros-Acacia koa forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Davis, J. 474 Hawaii BISH 3/3/1981
243 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Puna Distr. 'Olaa AHU Tr 30(67); E slope of Mauna Loa; upper 'Olaa Forest Reserve wet 'ohi'a a forest with other native trees and a treefern and native shrub understory. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Warshauer, F.R. FRW 1264 Hawaii BISH 7/28/1977
244 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray northwestern margin of the kaluaa drainage On eroding slopes with Alectryon and Zanthoxylum. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN takeuchi, w.n. shimabukoro, c. collector number: 2820 Oahu BISH 9/7/1986
245 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray West Maui, Lahaina District, Honokowai, Amalu Stream. Growing along stream and also noted on steep north slope in small gully about mid-slope. Vegetation: Metrosideros, Dicranopteris, Sicyos, Coprosma, Myrsine, Ilex, Freycinetia, Diplopterygium, Antidesma, Alyxia, Cyrtandra, Dodonaea, Leptecophylla, Wikstroemia, Nephrolepis, Elaphoglossum, Kadua, Cheirodendron, Schiedea, Sadleria, Clermontia, Cyanea, Pipturus, Boehmeria, Urera, Touchardia, Broussaisia, Cibotium. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Oppenheimer, H.L. H100813 Maui BISH 10/9/2008
246 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Hilo Forest Reserve, PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Pung, E. s.n. Hawaii BISH 4/16/1980
247 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Koolau PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rich, Y.J. 138 Oahu BISH 12/3/1908
248 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray kaupuleku, north kous, hawaii island. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN k. sakamura s.n. ILLS 1/2/1947
249 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray near Kumakalii, elev. approx 600 m, tree growing beside Nothocestrum 2834 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Takeuchi, W.N. 2916 Oahu BISH 9/13/1986
250 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray NO DISPONIBLE PRESERVED_SPECIMEN urbain jean faurie; b.1847; d.1915; faurie 242 IBUNAM 5/9/1910
251 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray PRESERVED_SPECIMEN o. degener 7434 MPM 6/24/1929
252 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray waimea district, mohihi, about 2 miles down trail, down to stream off left side of trail. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN s. walsh, m. edmonds & j. watson skw104 MO 9/4/2015
253 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray PRESERVED_SPECIMEN o. degener 7421 MPM 6/21/1927
254 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Maui. Up trail from Haelaau Cabin, at transect station 4.6510 Mesic forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN C. R. Annable 3861 NY 3/5/1998
255 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray ulapalakua PRESERVED_SPECIMEN herb. h.f. hance 19674 NHMUK
256 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray maui. up trail from haelaau cabin, at transect station 4.6510 Mesic forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN c. r. annable 3861 NY 3/5/1998
257 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray MOLOKAI: Wailau Valley; seacliffs of Wailau; w/ Eragrostis, Brighamia, Lipidium, Chamaesyce, Bidens, Artemisia, Schiedea globosa, Mariscus, Lysimachia. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 3812 Molokai PTBG 12/8/1994
258 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray MAUI: E. Maui, Waikamoi. Olinda road to Pipeline region; west of Waikamoi Stream, just east of Koolau forest reserve boundary and west of Opana gulch; Metrosideros-Acacia-Cheirodendron montane wet forest with transitional mesic; Styphelia tameiameiae, Broussaisia, Melicope clusiifolia, M. mauii, M. cf pseudo- anisata, M. molokaiensis, M. haleakalae, Ranunculus maui- ensis. Elev. 4000--4200 ft. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 8348 Maui PTBG 3/14/2000
259 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Mohihi, slopes and drainage north of Mohihi-Waialae trail. Metrosideros mixed montane wet forest, 7 m canopy, 90% closed native cover PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 16783 Kauai PTBG 4/5/2016
260 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Ekahanui gulch, central gulch below Puu Kaua Degraded Acacia koa- Metrosideros mesic forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Steve Perlman 23241 Oahu PTBG 1/17/2013
261 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Mohihi, slopes and drainage north of Mohihi-Waialae trail. Metrosideros mixed montane wet forest, 7 m canopy, 90% closed native cover PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 16314 Kauai PTBG 2/17/2015
262 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Koolau Gap, Keanae Valley, east Piinaau drainages. Closed Metrosideros polymorpha forest, 70–80% closed canopy, heights ranging between 8 and 15 m. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 12564 Maui PTBG 9/25/2007
263 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray MAUI: W. Maui, Lahaina District, Kauaula Valley. Vegetation: Metrosideros, Coprosma, Dodonaea, Kadua, Freycinetia, Perrottetia, Myrsine, Dubautia, Clermontia, Bidens, Nothocestrum, Sadleria, Xylosma, Diplazium, Touchardia, Pipturus, Boehmeria, Cyrtandra. Northing: 2310561 Easting: 749968 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hank Oppenheimer H120811 Maui PTBG 12/3/2008
264 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Olaa; Olaa Forest Reserve. Closed healthy forest soil, moderately deep, well drained organic/ash soil over aa flow. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. Adee s.n. Hawaii PTBG 9/28/1978
265 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Iao valley, Nakalaloa gulch, west Maui. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 8990 Maui PTBG 5/30/2001
266 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray KAUAI: Waimea District; Nuololo; Kuia Natural Area Reserve; Metrosideros-Dicranopteris Montane Mesic Forest in drainage below/ Labordia hirtella, Psychotria, Eragrostis grandis, Pleomele, Dubautia, Melicope, Scaevola. Elev. 3650-3920 ft. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 2705 Kauai PTBG 8/17/1993
267 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Nuololo, central branch. Metrosideros-Acacia mesic forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 15036 Kauai PTBG 6/19/2012
268 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Hidden Valley, up above Kaaawa. Up right side stream (N) in back of valley. Metrosideros-Dicranopteris lowland wet forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Steve Perlman 5832 Oahu PTBG 5/12/1987
269 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Honopu valley, upper northern most Honopu. Acacia koa- Metrosideros- Dicranopteris linearis wet forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 8844 Kauai PTBG 1/21/2001
270 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Wailau valley, ridge to Olokui. Seacliffs in Metrosideros- Dicranopteris linearis wet forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 8918 Molokai PTBG 4/24/2001
271 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray MAUI: W. Maui; Wailuku District; North of Mt. Eke; Puu Kukui Watershed; West branch of Kahakuloa Stream; Metrosideros- Cheirodenron Forest over Riverine habitat w/ Dicranopteris, Diplopterygium, Pteris, Selaginella, Sadleria, Elev. 3000-3200 ft. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 3154 Maui PTBG 5/5/1994
272 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray KAUAI: Koaie Canyon; upper reaches of canyon; Metrosideros Montane Wet Forest & riparian communities w/ Psychotria, Melicope, Bobea, Pritchardia, Boehmeria, Pleomele, Hedyotis, Charpentiera, pteridiphytes are common. Elev. 2950-3080 ft. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 3474 Kauai PTBG 8/31/1994
273 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Kawaiiki Valley, South side of Kawaiiki Ridge, facing Kaluahaulu Ridge and above Kawaiiki Stream. Acacia koa-Metrosideros polymorpha Mixed Mesic Forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Natalia Tangalin 601 Kauai PTBG 11/18/2005
274 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray East branch of Kunoa Gulch. In Exclosure. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Natalia Tangalin 397 Lanai PTBG 6/22/2005
275 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray W. Maui, Waihee valley, very back of valley on north side, along streams. Metrosideros-Cheirodendron wet forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Steve Perlman 15771 Maui PTBG 3/1/2026
276 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Nuololo, south below Awaawapuhi trail. Metrosideros-Acacia montane mesic forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 14498 Kauai PTBG 2/10/2011
277 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Honopu, northern slopes and drainage below Kainamanu. Acacia koa - Metrosideros polymorpha mixed mesic forest w/ patches of Dicranopteris linearis PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 18208 Kauai PTBG 5/29/2019
278 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray KAUAI: Kawai`iki, upper drainages above twin falls of Koa`ie Canyon, Metrosideros polymorpha mixed mesic forest, Gahnia beecheyi, Dianella sandwicensis, Dubautia laevigata, Hedyotis terminalis, Cheirodendron trigynum, Psychotria mariniana, Poa sandwicensis, Bidens cosmoides, Peperomia macraeana, Peperomia latifolia, Peperomia kokeana, PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 9116 Kauai PTBG 9/25/2001
279 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray KAUAI: Hanalei District, Kalalau rim; N, below Puuokila. Steep diverse montane mesic forest with Remya montgomeryi, Nototrichium sp., Hedyotis acuminata, Nothocestrum longifolium, Schiedea membranacea, Phyllostegia electra, Myrsine linearifolia, Eurya sandwicensis, Melicope pallida. Elev. 950-1150 m. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 1024 Kauai PTBG 7/6/1991
280 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Kaluaa-Hapapa. In remnant forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Wayne Takeuchi 3951 Oahu PTBG 9/1/1988
281 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Kohua Ridge and south facing slopes above Koaie. Metrosideros-Acacia montane mesic forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 17182 Kauai PTBG 11/3/2016
282 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Honopu, NW of Kainamanu, Acacia koa - Metrosideros polymorpha - Dicranopteris linearis montane mesic PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 15172 Kauai PTBG 8/9/2012
283 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray MAUI: W. Maui, Lahaina District, Honokowai, Amalu Stream. Coordinates: 20.928047° N 156.612168° W Vegetation: Metrosideros, Dicranopteris, Sicyos, Coprosma, Myrsine, Ilex, Freycinetia, Diplopterygium, Antidesma, Alyxia, Cyrtandra, Dodonaea, Leptecophylla, Wikstroemia, Nephrolepis, Elaphoglossum, Kadua, Cheirodendron, Schiedea, Sadleria, Clermontia, Cyanea, Pipturus, Boehmeria, Urera, Touchardia, Broussaisia, Cibotium. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hank Oppenheimer H100813 Maui PTBG 10/9/2008
284 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Mohihi. About 2 miles down trail, down to stream off left side of trail. Mesic-wet forest on lower slope. Canopy cover about 75%. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Seana Walsh SKW104 Kauai PTBG 9/4/2015
285 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Wainiha, upper northeastern fork. Closed Metrosideros forest, 8-12 m canopy. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 13270 Kauai PTBG 9/11/2008
286 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray E. Maui, Koolau Gap, Keanae Valley, east Piinaau drainages. Closed Metrosideros polymorpha forest, 70–80% closed canopy, heights ranging between 8 and 15 m. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 12557 Maui PTBG 9/25/2007
287 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Honopu, northern slopes and drainage below Kainamanu. Acacia koa - Metrosideros polymorpha - Dicranopteris linearis montane mesic PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 17535 Kauai PTBG 9/21/2017
288 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray KAUAI: Kalalau valley rim, below and east of First Lookout, in drainage between Lookouts in Metrosideros mesic forest with Dubautia laevigata, Dubautia laxa, perrottetia sandwicensis, Carex wahuensis, Carex meyenii, Hedyotis foggiana, Scaevola procera, Erigeron karvinskianus, Melicope puberula, Cryptocarya mannii, Dicranopteris linearis, Psychotria hexandra, Rubus rosifolius PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 3686 Kauai PTBG 11/4/1994
289 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray MAUI: E. Maui *Hana District, Koolau FR, East Kopiliula, *Metrosideros forest with understory of Dicranopteris & Diplopterygium dissected by riparian veg, associates of Cheirodendron, Acacia, Ilex, Broussaisia, Clermontia, Scaevola chamissoniana, Myrsine lessertiana, Melicope spp, Hedyotis spp, Coprosma spp, Perrottetia, shrubs of Vaccinium, Styphelia, Cyrtandra, Rubus hawaiensis, ferns and bryophytes are common PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 12687 Maui PTBG 12/12/2007
290 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray MOLOKAI: Kapailoa [Ka`aloa] forested slopes above Haupu Bay, Diospyros sandwicensis mixed mesic forest, with Charpentiera obovata, Nototrichium sandwicense, Alyxia oliviformis, Ochrosia compta, Reynoldsia sandwicensis, Tetraplasandra hawaiensis, Clermontia kakeana, Perrottetia sandwicensis, Styphelia tameiameiae, Antidesma platyphyllum var. platyphyllum, Xylosma hawaiiense PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 9228 Molokai PTBG 1/3/2002
291 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray HAWAII: North Hilo District; Laupahoehoe NAR; Kilau and Kaiwilahilahi streams. Acacia-Metrosideros lowland wet forest with Melicope, Psychotria, Cibotium, Coprosma, Rubus, Freycinetia, Athyrium sandwichianum, Phyllostegia. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 700 Hawaii PTBG 4/3/1991
292 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Nuololo, northern headwater gulches, ca. 350 m south of Awaawapuhi trail. Metrosideros-Acacia montane mesic forest transitioning into Metrosideros-Dicranopteris wet forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 16776 Kauai PTBG 3/31/2016
293 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray MAUI: Waikamoi, north of Puu o Kakae, E. Maui, Opana gulch, contour east hit stream 4420 feet and head up south in Acacia koa- Metrosideros- Dicranopteris linearis mesic forest with Cheirodendron, Styphelia, Cibotium glaucum, Rubus hawaiiensis, Phyllostegia ambigua, Alyxia, Peperomia, Myrsine lessertiana, Platydesma spathulata, Psychotria , Labordia hirtella, Cyrtandra spathulata, Cyrtandra hashimotoi, Rubus argutus PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 6715 Maui PTBG 9/3/1997
294 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Nuololo, southern branch, Metrosideros-Acacia montane mesic forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 14923 Kauai PTBG 4/12/2012
295 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray KAUAI: Hanalei District, Kokee State Park, DOFAW exclosure o n Kalalau rim. Metrosideros dominated wet forest with Psycho tria, Coprosma, Perrottetia, and Diplazium. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Tim Flynn 6509 Kauai PTBG 3/31/1999
296 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray KAUAI: Kokee. Kalalau Valley. Metrosideros-Nestegis forest on rather steep ridge in back of valley. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Tim Flynn 1867 Kauai PTBG 8/18/1986
297 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray KAUAI: Waimea canyon, Upper Kawaiiki valley, north of Kalua- haulu ridge, north facing slope, side stream, mesic forest w/ Pouteria, Xylosma hawaiiense, Streblus, Coprosma, Alyxia, Pleomele, Dodonaea, Metrosideros, Lantana, Carex, Claoxyon, Acacia koa, Myrsine lanaiensis, Hibiscus waimeae, Zanthoxylum dipetalum, Psychotria, Alphitonia, Wikstroemia, Psidium, Grevillea, Melicope anisata, Nesoluma PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Steve Perlman 17321 Kauai PTBG 8/25/2000
298 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray KAUAI: Awaawapuhi trail, about .75 miles down trail in Acacia koa - Metrosideros mesic forest with Tetraplasandra kauaiensis, Xylosma hawaiiense, Nestegis sandwicensis, Pittosporum, Coprosma, Dicranopteris linearis, Dodonaea, Perrottetia, Hedyotis terminalis, Psychotria greenwelliae, Myrsine alyxifolia, Scaevola procera, Pleomele aurea, Rubus argutus, Passiflora mollissima PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Steve Perlman 18600 Kauai PTBG 8/28/2003
299 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Waiahuakua, upper drainage, Hono o Na Pali NAR. Metrosideros-Cheirodendron montane wet forest and riparian habitat PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 17130 Kauai PTBG 9/28/2016
300 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray MOLOKAI: Waimanu headwaters, Metrosideros mixed wet riparian vegetation, Cheirodendron trigynum, Wikstroemia oahuensis, Psychotria mariniana, Freycinetia arborea, Clermontia kokeana, Vaccinium dentatum, Scaevola gaudichaudii, rich in ferns PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 10605 Molokai PTBG 3/11/2004
301 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray OAHU: Waianae mts., Makaleha gulch below Mt. Kaala road, Central Makaleha with Acacia koa- Metrosideros mesic forest with Psychotria hathewayi, Melicope peduncularis, Syzygium sandwicense, Diospyros hillebrandii, Morinda trimera, Psidium cattleianum, Rubus rosifoliius, Grevillea robusta, Psychotria mariniana PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 5634 Oahu PTBG 4/27/1996
302 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Kokee. Bottom of north facing slope of upper Honopu valley, 10 ft. back from stream. Mixed mesic forest above with A. koa, Metrosideros, Platydesma spathulata, Nothocestrum peltatum, Lobelia yuccoides, Melicope haupuensis, Melicope barbrigera, Dodonea viscosa, Psychotria, Metrosideros polymorpha, Cryptocaria mannii, Pouteria sandwicensis, Charpentiera elliptica. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Natalia Tangalin 1833 Kauai PTBG 11/11/2008
303 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Waiakoali, Na Pali Kona Forest Reserve Metrosideros-Cheirodendron montane wet slopes and drainage PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 15211 Kauai PTBG 9/13/2012
304 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Honopu, west of National Guard Station Acacia koa-Metrosideros polymorpha - with matting ferns of Dicranopteris linearis, Diplopterygium pinnatum, Sticherus owhyhensis, mesic to transitional wet forest and drainages PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 15786 Kauai PTBG 1/12/2014
305 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Waianae Mts., Honouliuli, North Palawai gulch, north facing slope, subgulch with Silene. In Acacia koa-Metrosideros lowland mesic forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Steve Perlman 6164 Oahu PTBG 7/12/1987
306 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray KAUAI: North facing slope of upper Awaawapuhi valley. Diverse mesic forest. Growing on steep, shallow gully with Melicope haupuensis, Dodonea viscosa, Psychotria greenwellii, Metrosideros polymorpha, Cryptocaria mannii, Pouteria sandwicensis, and Charpentiera elliptica. Area being invaded by Hedychium gardnerianum and Rubus argutus. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Clay Trauernicht 606 Kauai PTBG 11/11/2008
307 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Waikoali stream , Alakai Swamp, stream banks. In Metrosideros- Cheirodendron - Dicranopteris linearis wet forest with Ilex, Tetraplasandra, Syzygium sandwicensis, Psychotria, Broussaisia, Hedyotis terminalis, Vaccinium, Passiflora mollissima, Rubus argutus, Psidium cattleianum PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Steve Perlman 15404 Kauai PTBG 6/12/1996
308 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Waianae Mts., Pukaloa gulch, above Schoffield, off ridge trail to Puu Kalena, near Kumakalii. In Metrosideros lowland wet forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Steve Perlman 5643 Oahu PTBG 4/16/1987
309 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Kaholuamanu behind Waimea. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN C. N. Forbes 391.K Kauai PTBG 9/1/1909
310 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray KAUAI: Hanalei District, Kokee State Park. Hwy 550 at mile 19. Wet Metrosideros dominated forest with Myrsine, Pelea, Broussaisia, Diplazium and Rubus. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Tim Flynn 3294 Kauai PTBG 3/21/1989
311 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray MAUI: W. Maui *Puehuehunui, third small drainage to south of Kauaula rim, *mixed mesic forest and shrubland, 80% cover, 40% Cheirodendron trigynum @ 8 m tall, 5% Dodonaea viscosa @ 3 m, 5% Nestegis sandwicensis @ 5 m, 2% Coprosma foliosa @ 3 m, with rich fern understory and scattered Metrosideros polymorpha, Hedyotis acuminata, Cyrtandra grayi, Melicope hawaiiense PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 12067 Maui PTBG 8/22/2006
312 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray W. Maui, Kauaula Valley, back of valley, upper north fork of river. Metrosideros-Cheirodendron wet forest, 8-12 m tall canopy, riparian w/ saturated talus & seeping, vertical basalt walls, steep Dicranopteris banks. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 13490 Maui PTBG 2/19/2009
313 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray KAUAI: Hanalei District, Awaawapuhi Valley; along trail to 1030m elev, head N off trail down into stream gulch; Acacia-Metrosideros montane mixed mesic forest with Bobea, Claoxylon, Nothocestrum, Platydesma, Stenogyne, Joinvillea, Alphitonia, Melicope, Cyanea. Elev. 940-1000 m. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 1285 Kauai PTBG 10/22/1991
314 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray plantae hawaiienses. ins. hawaii: hawaii, kipuka puaulu, kilanea district. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN carl skottsberg 546 S 9/16/1922
315 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Waiahuakua valley, upper valley below Pohakea cabin Metrosideros - Dicranopteris linearis wet forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Steve Perlman 25190 Kauai PTBG 9/28/2016
316 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Waialae, Nawaimaka valley,along stream in Acacia koa- Metrosideros mesic forest with Scaevola procera, Dodonaea viscosa, Coprosma kauaiensis, Cheirodendron, Rubus argutus, Perrottetia sandwicensis, Carex meyenii, Diplazium sandwichianum, Dicranopteris linearis, Hedyotis terminalis, Psychotria greenwelliae, Lantana camara, Pouteria sandwicensis, Syzygium sandwicense PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 5438 Kauai PTBG 7/30/1996
317 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray North facing slope of upper Awaawapuhi Valley. Diverse mesic forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN C. Trauernicht & N. Tangalin 606 Kauai US 11/11/2008
318 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray ulupalakua, e maui PRESERVED_SPECIMEN h. mann & w. t. brigham 414 Maui US
319 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray at top of piko trail near ridge overlooking makua valley PRESERVED_SPECIMEN o. degener & k. park 7416 Oahu US 10/9/1932
320 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray hanalei dist; awaawapuhi valley; along trail to 1030 m elev, head n off trail down into stream gulch. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN k. r. wood, d. h. lorence, t. w. flynn & s. p. perlman 1285 Kauai US 10/22/1991
321 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray pipe-line trail, olinda PRESERVED_SPECIMEN o. degener 7422 Maui US 6/24/1927
322 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray kalalau valley rim, below and east of first lookout, in drainage between lookouts PRESERVED_SPECIMEN k. r. wood & j. lau 3686 Kauai US 11/4/1994
323 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray waianae mts., makaleha gulch below mt. kaala road, central makaleha PRESERVED_SPECIMEN k. r. wood, s. p. perlman & r. kennedy 5634 Oahu US 4/27/1996
324 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Laupahoehoe section of Hilo Forest Reserve PRESERVED_SPECIMEN D. Joyce & S. Anderson 705 Hawaii US 3/4/1982
325 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray waihoi valley, e maui PRESERVED_SPECIMEN b. harrison & d. r. herbst 2529 Maui US 7/20/1972
326 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Waikamoi, N of Puu o Kakae, E Maui, Opana gulch, contour E hit stream 4420 ft. and head up S mesic forest; weeds, pigs, deer; occasional 4300-4500 fr. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood, S. P. Perlman & J. Lau 6715 Maui US 9/3/1997
327 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray waianae range, pahole gulch PRESERVED_SPECIMEN obata, j.k. robidilux, r. collector number: 406 Kauai US 9/24/1978
328 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray n hilo dist, laupahoehoe nar, kilau stream and kaiwilahilahi stream PRESERVED_SPECIMEN k. r. wood, s. p. perlman & d. palmer 700 Hawaii US 4/3/1991
329 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray West Maui; Puehuehunui, third small drainage to south of Kauaula rim. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood & H. Oppenheimer 12067 Maui US 8/22/2006
330 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray between glenwood & 29 miles. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN o. degener 7434 Hawaii US 6/24/1929
331 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Hanalei District, Waiahuakua, upper drainage, Hono o Na Pali NAR. Montane wet forest and riparian habitat PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood, S. P. Perlman & M. Query 17130 Kauai US 9/28/2016
332 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray wailau valley; seacliffs of wailau. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN k. r. wood 3812 Molokai US 12/8/1994
333 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray hanalei district, waiahuakua valley, upper valley below pohakea cabin. Wet forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN s. p. perlman, k. r. wood & m. query 25190 Kauai US 9/28/2016
334 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray w maui PRESERVED_SPECIMEN w. b. hillebrand 382 Maui US
335 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray hidden valley, up above kaaawa PRESERVED_SPECIMEN s. p. perlman & j. obata 5832 Oahu US 5/12/1987
336 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray laupahoehoe section of hilo forest reserve PRESERVED_SPECIMEN d. joyce & s. anderson 705 Hawaii US 3/4/1982
337 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Kaluaa gulch at elev. 2125, growing by Nothocestrum coll. Waianae_170 (#1846) PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Takeuchi, W.N. 1847 Oahu BISH 11/18/1984
338 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray kipapa gulch, waipio, 2nd n fork, koolau mts. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN e. y. hosaka 586 Maui US 6/26/1932
339 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Waikamoi: Olinda road to Pipeline region; west of Waikamoi Stream, just east of Koolau forest reserve boundary and west of Opana PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 8348 Maui US 3/13/2000
340 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Hanalei District, Waiahuakua valley, upper valley below Pohakea cabin. Wet forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN S. P. Perlman, K. R. Wood & M. Query 25190 Kauai US 9/28/2016
341 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray PRESERVED_SPECIMEN US 6/6/1976
342 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray waikoali stream, alakai swamp, stream banks PRESERVED_SPECIMEN s. p. perlman & k. wood 15404 Kauai US 6/12/1996
343 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Waimea District, Mohihi, about 2 miles down trail, down to stream off left side of trail. Mesic-wet forest on lower slope PRESERVED_SPECIMEN S. Walsh, M. Edmonds & J. Watson SKW104 Kauai US 9/4/2015
344 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray hanalei dist., kalalau rim, n, below puuokila PRESERVED_SPECIMEN k. r. wood 1024 Kauai US 7/6/1991
345 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray waimanu headwaters Metrosideros mixed wet riparian vegetation rich in ferns. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN k. r. wood, g. hughes & t. menard 10605 Molokai US 3/11/2004
346 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray waikamoi, n of puu o kakae, e maui, opana gulch, contour e hit stream 4420 ft. and head up s mesic forest; weeds, pigs, deer; occasional 4300-4500 fr. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN k. r. wood, s. p. perlman & j. lau 6715 Maui US 9/3/1997
347 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray wailau valley, ridge to olokui. Wet forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN k. r. wood, s. p. perlman, m. legrande & s. ching 8918 Molokai US 4/24/2001
348 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray near summit of pupukea-kahuku trail PRESERVED_SPECIMEN o. degener, a. tong & h. kaipo 7431 Maui US 3/31/1929
349 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray hanalei district, waiahuakua, upper drainage, hono o na pali nar. Montane wet forest and riparian habitat PRESERVED_SPECIMEN k. r. wood, s. p. perlman & m. query 17130 Kauai US 9/28/2016
350 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray waimea district, nuololo, central branch. Mesic forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN k. r. wood & m. query 15036 Kauai US 6/19/2012
351 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray pahole drainage #2 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN welton, p. heller, r.; haus, b. collector number: 557 Maui US 6/23/1990
352 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray e maui, forest of hamakua PRESERVED_SPECIMEN j. f. rock 8516 Maui US
353 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Waianae Mts.; Mokuleia, Piko Trail PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Yuncker, T.G. s.n. Oahu BISH 11/25/1932
354 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Pakiloi PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C.N. 2084.M Maui BISH 3/23/1920
355 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray In Kilauea Forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Kubo, K. s.n. Hawaii BISH 6/5/1978
356 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Olaa, Olaa Forest Reserve. SIte 31 OS. Closed healthy forest. Soils: deep, moderately well drained organic/ash soil over pahoehoe flow. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. Adee s.n. Hawaii PTBG 6/28/1979
357 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray kauai PRESERVED_SPECIMEN lydgate, j.m. collector number: s.n. Kauai BISH 5/14/1981
358 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray South Kona District: Kealia AHU. Tr 63(55); W slopes of Mauna Loa; N of Big Hill Camp Mesic koa-`ohi`a forest with other native trees and a native-exotic shrub and grass u/s. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Warshauer, F.R. FRW 1944 Hawaii BISH 7/7/1978
359 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Found with Syzygium sandwicensis, Kadua affinis, Pittosporum gayanum, P. glabrum, Ilex anomala, Melicope anisata, M. clusiifolia, Myrsine dentata, M. Punctata, Psychotria hexandra, P. mariniana, P. greenwel. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Wood, K.R. 15211 Kauai BISH 9/13/2012
360 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray punaluu mts PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: 8837 Oahu BISH 8/8/1911
361 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray east maui, piiholo mts., makawao town Rainforest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN hillebrand, w.b. lydgate, j.m. Molokai BISH
362 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Of rare occurrence in the Laupahoehoe Section of Hilo Forest Reserve Growing in a Metrosideros/Acacia forest on the side of a small gully. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Clarke, G. Collector Number: 575 Hawaii BISH 3/4/1981
363 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Below Kaluahaulu ridge and West of Kawaiiki. In a side drainage that runs East and back toward the trail that goes to Tellfords Stamp. Mixed Mesic forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Natalia Tangalin 2357 Kauai PTBG 6/3/2010
364 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Mahana Valley, head of PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J.F.C. 8127 Lanai BISH 8/2/1910
365 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray near kumakalii, elev. approx 600 m, tree growing beside nothocestrum 2834 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN takeuchi, w.n. paquin, d. collector number: 2916 Oahu BISH 9/13/1986
366 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray waianae mts.: kunia trail just east of puu kanehaa; Tree, sterile. Behind the clump of Joinvillea. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN stone, b.c. pearsall, g. collector number: 3254 Oahu BISH
367 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Ulupalakua-Kaupo Highway, S of Haleakala Crater Dry forest on lava slopes. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Little Jr., E.L. 31107 Maui BISH 8/25/1976
368 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray MAUI: W. Maui, Helu summit. Amfac Survey transect 7. In Metrosideros-Cheirodendron montane wet forest with Eurya, Clermontia, Melicope, Cyrtandra, Labordia, Stenogyne, Coprosma. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Steve Perlman 10741 Maui PTBG 11/7/1989
369 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Ekahanui Gulch, slightly on ridge top ascending to top of Puu Kaua, 2/3 distance to summit from firebreak trail PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Obata, J.K. 84-466 Oahu BISH 2/26/1984
370 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray ekahanui gulch; slightly on ridge top ascending to top of puu kaua; 2/3 distance to summit from firebreak trail PRESERVED_SPECIMEN obata, j.k. gill; johansen; ochoco; et al. collector number: jo(84)-446 Oahu BISH 2/26/1984
371 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray east maui, kipahulu, lower dog leg PRESERVED_SPECIMEN w. l. wagner 5899 Maui US
372 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray pahole gulch, waianae mts. side of small subgully, west section of pahole PRESERVED_SPECIMEN nagata, k.m. collector number: 1168 Maui US 7/4/1973
373 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray west maui; puehuehunui, third small drainage to south of kauaula rim. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN k. r. wood & h. oppenheimer 12067 Maui US 8/22/2006
374 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray kaiholena Dry with fountain grass and Dodenaea PRESERVED_SPECIMEN george c. munro; b.1866; d.1963; g.c.munro s.n. US 7/27/1915
375 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray waikamoi: olinda road to pipeline region; west of waikamoi stream, just east of koolau forest reserve boundary and west of opana PRESERVED_SPECIMEN k. r. wood 8348 Maui US 3/13/2000
376 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray e part of maui, ulupalakua-kaupo hwy, s of haleakala crater PRESERVED_SPECIMEN e. l. little jr. 31107 Maui US 8/25/1976
377 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Waianae mts., Honouliuli, North Palawai gulch, north facing slope, subgulch with Silene, 2500 ft el In Acacia koa-Metrosideros lowland mesic forest with Urera glabra, Streblus, Pteralyxia macrocarpa, Cyanea membranacea, Bidens, Dubautia, Viola, Claoxylon, Dianella, Passiflora suberosa, Pittosporum, Psychotria PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Perlman, S. 6164 Oahu BISH 7/12/1987
378 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray north facing slope of upper awaawapuhi valley. Diverse mesic forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN c. trauernicht & n. tangalin 606 Kauai US 11/11/2008
379 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Punaluu Mts PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J.F.C. 8837 Oahu BISH 8/1/1911
380 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray olinda, pipe line trail In forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN degener, o. collector number: 7423 Maui BISH 6/14/1927
381 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray gully near the lualualei divide at puu hapapa, elev. 2325' a small shrub overgrown by Passiflora and Freycinetia, sited on a small planeze with a localized Alectryon concentration uncommon in this area. field no. Waianae_408 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN takeuchi, w.n. tate, b. collector number: 2513 Oahu BISH 10/13/1985
382 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray KAUAI: Kalalau, north facing Metrosideros forest, below and just west of second Kalalau lookout, with Psychotria greenwelliae, Dubautia laevigata & D. microcephala, Cryptocarya mannii, Sadleria pallida, Melicope puberula, Myrsine spp. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 7436 Kauai PTBG 8/19/1998
383 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Pahole Drainage #2 Steep east facing slope with Acacia koa; Labordia tinifolia; Hibiscus arnottianus. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Welton, P. 557 Oahu BISH 6/23/1990
384 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray west maui, lahaina district, lower northeast slope of honolua peak in kaluanui (western honokohau) drainage .. growing along a small spring fed stream, in wet, shady, steep gully. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN oppenheimer, h.l. abbott, l. collector number: h40302 Maui BISH 4/9/2003
385 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray East Maui, forest of Hamakua PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J.F.C. 8516 Maui BISH 9/1/1910
386 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Waimea District, Nuololo, central branch. Mesic forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood & M. Query 15036 Kauai US 6/19/2012
387 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray puu a ulu (kipuka puaulu) PRESERVED_SPECIMEN forbes, c.n. collector number: 1029.h Hawaii BISH 7/1/1915
388 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray waianae mts. makua valley against cliff of the backbone; large v-shaped gulch, about middle of the backbone gully floor with ochroria, sheblus, bobea, pridium, meterorideros, dioyryros, etc PRESERVED_SPECIMEN obata, j.k. collector number: 76-306 Oahu BISH 11/28/1976
389 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray kaupulehu forest reserve, part of a kipuka, growing adjacent to the kaupuleho lava flow, a'a lava PRESERVED_SPECIMEN w. l. stern, n. stewart, d. owen & h. morimoto 3126 BRU 3/28/1974
390 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray paliwai gulch; honouliuli Northeast facing slope with Xylosma; Phyllostegia parviflora. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN welton, p. lau, j.q.c.; obata, j.; fenstemacher, r. collector number: 311 Oahu BISH 1/28/1990
391 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray East Maui, Hana District, Waihoi Valley PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Harrison, B. 2529 Maui BISH 7/20/1972
392 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Waianae Mts. Makua Valley against cliff of the backbone; large v-shaped gulch, about middle of the backbone gully floor with Ochroria, Sheblus, Bobea, Pridium, Meterorideros, Dioyryros, etc PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Obata, J.K. 76-306 Oahu BISH 11/28/1976
393 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray KAUAI: Hanalei District. Na Pali Kona Forest Reserve, southern rim of Kalalau Valley near Hwy 550; steep upper slopes with diverse mixed mesophytic forest of Metrosideros, Nestegis, Psychotria, Bobea, Xylosma and Pleomele. Elev. 4100-3700 ft. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN David H. Lorence 6298 Kauai PTBG 11/9/1988
394 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray near waieli, rubbled filled channel draining main divide, est. elev. 2400'-2500' PRESERVED_SPECIMEN takeuchi, w.n. paquin, d. collector number: 3908 Oahu BISH 7/17/1988
395 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray kaiholena PRESERVED_SPECIMEN munro, g.c. collector number: 460 Lanai BISH 7/27/1915
396 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Site 24 OS; Olaa, Olaa Forest Reserve Closed healthy forest; assoc. spp.: Metrosideros polymorpha, Ilex anomala, Myrsine lessertiana, Cheirodendron trigynum, Coprosma spp., Psychotria hawaiiensis & Gouldia sp. Soil a moderately deep and well drained organic/ash found over an a`a flow. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Adee, K.T. s.n. Hawaii BISH 9/29/1978
397 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray in kilauea forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN kubo, k. collector number: s.n. Hawaii BISH 6/5/1978
398 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray near kumakalii, elev. approx. 600m, tree of declining vigor beside phyllostegia 2833 forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN takeuchi, w.n. paquin, d. collector number: 2834 Hawaii BISH 9/13/1986
399 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray moderate forest. head of Kukuiala Gulch Mokuleia forest reserve Waianae mts PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Morley, H. 99 Oahu BISH 4/2/1934
400 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Punaluu Mts PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J.F.C. 641 Oahu BISH 11/14/1908
401 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Pia Valley, E branch, streambed at 1550' elev. in the upper section where there are steep waterfalls PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Takeuchi, W.N. s.n. Oahu BISH 7/29/1984
402 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray In Kilauea Forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Kubo, K. Collector Number: s.n. Hawaii BISH 6/5/1978
403 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray kohala mountains: waipio; upper hamakua ditch trail Summit of moist pali. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN st.john, h. hosaka, e.y. collector number: 11467 Hawaii BISH 1/1/1932
404 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray kaluaa gulch, 10' tree on slopes at the head of a secondary channel, 2125' elev ca. 45 degrees incline dominated by Diospyros spp., Pelea spp., and Metrosideros polymorpha PRESERVED_SPECIMEN takeuchi, w.n. holt, r.a. collector number: 1846 Oahu BISH 11/18/1984
405 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray east maui, nahiku PRESERVED_SPECIMEN forbes, c.n. collector number: 265.m Maui BISH 7/1/1910
406 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Waimea District. Kohua Ridge and south facing slopes above Koale. Metrosideros-Acacia montane mesic forest with Alphitonia ponderosa, Antidesma platyphylla, Euphorbia atrococca, Claoxylon sandwicensis, Dodonaea viscosa, Myrsine lanaiensis, Dracaena aurea, Polyscias kavaiensis, Planchonella sandwicensis, Bob PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Wood, K.R. 17182 Kauai BISH 11/3/2016
407 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Koolauloa mts. between Punahou and Kaipaupau PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C.N. s.n. Oahu BISH 11/14/1908
408 Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray Ewa District. Ekahanui gulch, central gulch below Puu Kaua PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Perlman, S. 23241 Oahu BISH 1/17/2013